Harco is a noisy punk band from Baltimore; their sound is raw as fuck, and their live sets are super fun and energetic. My band end times had the chance of playing with them last year at Conradi Fest, and I was super impressed and hyped on their set. They are also super nice dudes; they make their own merch and sell it for super cheap. Check them out for your own sake.
Two piece pop punk from Chicago, with heavy emphasis on the punk side. Sweet Talk features members of Parrhesia, a sick screamo band. Here is a link to the Ice Age Records bandcamp and it includes lyrics too! Please support them; you can name your price for the digital download.
New German/Polish band featuring members of Lousie Cyphre. They have a split coming out with Beau Navire in the near future. This is one of the most exiting things I have heard all year. I love Louise Cyphre and Republic of Dreams will not disappoint. Check out their website, it has a link to one of the songs from their upcoming split available for download.